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2019 CSWE Election Candidate Statements

CSWE Board of Directors


Susan Mapp, Elizabethtown College (PA)
Sudershan Pasupuleti, Univerity of Texas-Rio Grande Valley

Graduate Program Representative

Jenny Jones, Clark Atlanta Univeristy (GA)
Joan Blakey, Tulane Univerity (LA)

Undergraduate Program Representative

Brenda Lindsey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Monique Apple, Oglala Lakota College (SD)

National Nominating Committee

Practice Representative

Diane Rullo, Rullo Psych Associates (FL)
Cole Watts, Stages of Recovery (TX)

Nominees for Board of Directors


Susan Mapp, Elizabethtown College, PA
I am running for treasurer because I believe I have the experience needed to help guide CSWE because I bring financial skills, strategic planning experience, and experience in national social work governance. I am completing my term on the CSWE Board as an undergraduate program representative, during which time I have chaired the Audit Committee and served on the Investment Committee. Previously, I served as the treasurer for BPD. Combined, these experiences have provided me with the knowledge of CSWE’s finances and the policies and procedures that govern them.

I also have strategic planning experience, which is important as CSWE is currently working on its own strategic plan. At my own school, I led the development of the institution-wide strategic plan and became familiar with higher education trends that can help CSWE as it formulates its own strategic plan. I continue to serve on the Resources and Strategic Planning Council at my institution and have extensive other leadership experience including serving on the Commission for Global Social Work Education, as program director at my institution, and as a founding co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work.

I believe these experiences have well-prepared me to be an effective member of the Board of Directors, especially in the role of treasurer. As we shape the next strategic plan, CSWE must be well-positioned in these times that threaten our social work values, and I believe my experience will help to successfully guide us there.
Sudershan Pasupuleti, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Since 2001, I attended most CSWE APMs, reviewed proposals, presented at the APMs, chaired the sessions, and served as site visitor. I have recently served on the National Taskforce on Licensing and Regulation. I learned so much from my colleagues at CSWE and gained a lot from this esteemed organization. I have adequate credentials and skills to serve as its treasurer. The treasurer plays a very important role by marshalling its financial resources to achieve CSWE’s mission and strategic plan to have a big impact. I believe that I can make that kind of contribution in this leadership position.

I would bring my professional knowledge and skills accumulated over 30 years to this position. I served in several leadership positions of social work organizations in the past at BPD, ACOSA, and state level deans and directors associations in two states. I can contribute to the success of CSWE at its future defining moments in a highly competitive macro environment for the social work profession. I teach an administration in social work course and led the social work department and not-for-profit organizations including budgets in the US and India. I managed the organizations to improve their financial health by increasing revenue streams and appropriate investment of funds. I bring my blended experience and skills from different roles in social work—administrator, community organizer, educator, researcher, and practitioner in the United States and in India to this position.

I envision CSWE emerging as a tough negotiator in the highly competitive and challenging environment for appropriate policies and funding in order to serve our clients in the US and worldwide. I would invest my time and energy to secure CSWE’s financial health. As treasurer, I will focus on how to expand revenue streams for CSWE and align financial allocations with its mission and strategic goals.

Graduate Program Representative

Jenny Jones, Clark Atlanta University, GA
I am honored to be a candidate for this position because I believe leadership is one of the most critical elements in sustaining a successful organization. I have had the privilege of being involved in social work education for the past 20 years. During this time, I have taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and served as a faculty field liaison for MSW students, department chair of a social work program, director of the CSWE Minority Fellowship Program, and currently serve as dean of a school of social work. 
I have also been an active member of CSWE, serving as a certified site visitor, a member of the Nominating Committee, and chair of the Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice.
The combination of these experiences has taught me the value of our profession, the importance of social work education, and the need for sound leadership. If we are going to prepare the next generation of social workers, our organization will need to be vibrant and active in setting an innovative agenda for the future. My vision for CSWE is that it continues to be the premier accrediting body and the leader in social work education, and greater inclusion in the academy of those who can provide for the most vulnerable in our society. I believe serving as the graduate program representative can provide a platform for me to further this dialogue. I am running for the graduate program representative position for the Board of Directors to continue my work in promoting inclusion and quality social work education. Thank you for your support!
Joan Blakey, Tulane University, LA
I have benefited from, or served in a leadership role in, CSWE for almost 14 years. My journey with CSWE started as a minority fellow, council member and I currently serve as a commissioner. I give back to the CSWE community by presenting to MFP fellows about navigating the academy. As a commissioner, I have led focus groups with current members to understand what members want from CSWE. The opportunity to serve as a Board member will enable me to continue to be of service to the social work community advancing the mission of the organization.

My leadership skills are rooted in my experiences as a social worker where I witnessed the power of listening well, developing consensus, and taking action. These skills have been further honed in the academy where I bring innovative ideas that challenge the profession to think outside the box to creatively solve problems. I have the ability to work under pressure. I am task driven and work well with others, which makes me an ideal team member. I am a great communicator, adaptable and flexible. As a social worker at the core, I have never lost my passion for the field, and my commitment to making it stronger only increases over time.

My vision is for CSWE to lead the profession locally and globally by promoting innovative policies and practices that enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities and advocating for equity to improve the lives of those affected by historical and current injustices.

My vision for social work education is to highly train social workers for micro and macro practice by providing students with the skills, knowledge, tools, and emotional intelligence to effectively work with diverse populations, policy makers, and communities to improve the lives of individuals and empower communities.

Undergraduate Program Representative

Brenda Lindsey, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
I want to lead change efforts in how social work education programs respond to current trends that are shaping how we teach and how students learn. One of the most significant influences has been the proliferation of technology-enhanced teaching and learning tools that have resulted in significant increases in the number of online and hybrid programs. Another trend is the increase in new options available to demonstrate competency beyond social work degrees and professional licenses such as certificates, badges, and micro-credentials. These developments coupled with the rising cost of college degrees have forced programs to more effectively evaluate and communicate the strong return on investment provided by social work. My vision is a productive CSWE and social work field of study that encourages innovation and consistently cultivates and sustains high quality undergraduate and graduate programs.    

My social work experience includes social work practice and leadership positions in undergraduate and graduate programs. I created a new BSW program from scratch at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). In my role as the BSW program director, I led the program through initial CSWE accreditation and subsequent reaffirmation processes. Prior to leading the BSW program, I chaired the School Social Work Specialization for the MSW program at UIUC. Similar to CSWE accreditation, I led the UIUC School of Social Work efforts to become an approved program by the Illinois State Board of Education. I have served on a number of social work boards including the NASW-Illinois Chapter Board of Directors, Illinois Association of School Social Workers, chair of the NASW School Social Work Section, and the School Social Work Association of America. These experiences make me a unique collaborator in preparing competent and committed social work professionals.
Monique Apple, Oglala Lakota College, SD
It is an honor to be selected as a nominee for the CSWE Board of Directors. I accepted this nomination to run for the BSW program director position to enhance the already diverse membership as an Ihanktonwan Dakota and Oglala Lakota woman, bringing a voice on behalf of tribal colleges/universities and rural community colleges located in the most impoverished areas of the country.

I am a doctoral student at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, and 2004 MSW graduate of Washington University. With my experience as a BSW program director I bring skills of budget management, policy and curriculum development, and evaluation to this position. I am a member of CSWE and governing council of the Indigenous Tribal Social Work Educators Association since 2016.

My expertise spans over 20 years in the field of social work at tribal, state, and national levels in behavioral health, substance abuse treatment, family advocacy, cultural competency, and research. I maintain extensive networks that expand beyond the Pine Ridge reservation boundaries with tribal nations and nontribal entities. My future goals include collaborating at international levels with Indigenous nations working to develop Indigenous social work curricula.

My vision for CSWE and social work education is to guide social work programs toward improving practice competencies through culturally relevant curriculum that reaches underserved populations of social work students who are our future leaders. Part of this vision is to improve inclusivity in social work education in the everchanging political backdrop that we must navigate through to advocate for human rights, social justice, and environmental protections. A Lakota prayer, Mitakuye Oyasin, meaning “All of my relations,” covers all living creation existing in the universe. My overarching vision for social work education is to encourage social workers that we are all in this together.

Nominees for National Nominating Committee

NNC Practice Representative

Diane Rullo, Rullo Psych Associates, FL
The experience of attending CSWE - APM has increased my awareness of the value the Council has in social work education. The past 26 years in the social work field, as a practitioner (LCSW, LCADC, LMFT) and educator, has broadened my perspective on helping the oppressed and social justice. I have been teaching social workers on a graduate level for 24 years. My previous practitioner and teaching roles had not afforded me the opportunity to have an active role in this organization. Currently, my dual roles as a private practitioner and core faculty for Walden University, has awarded me the opportunity to be an active member. 

My involvement with CSWE has expanded my knowledge of the workings of the Council and the value of having an accreditation body overseeing the educational components of the social work profession. The Council on Social Work Education epitomizes the professionalism of social work. I have a desire to expand my professional development in social work by increasing my involvement to advance quality social work education.

I have been employed by three major universities, all accredited by CSWE. I am familiar with the guidelines of the Council and the need of standards to maintain the professionalism of the social work field. From a business perspective I have developed and maintained a private practice in two states, contributing to my experience in financial responsibility. Over the past 12 years, I have served on several community boards in the role as president, treasurer, and currently a board member. I have also served as secretary of National Association of Social Workers, Florida Chapter.

The 21st century brings innovations to social work education. My vision is to contribute to CSWE and the changing world of education while maintaining quality.
Cole Watts, Stages of Recovery, TX
I have long admired CSWE. As such, I have seen the impact that nominating the right people for leadership positions can have in this organization, as proven by the great job our leaders have done shaping the direction of CSWE since I have become a social worker. I wouldn't be the person I am today without this profession. In return for what social work education has given to me, it would be my honor to serve on this committee as a small token of my gratitude.

I am the founder, owner, and COO, but most importantly social worker, at Stages of Recovery, Inc. Since we began in 2007, I have personally orchestrated the expansion of the company into a new city and helped thousands of individuals treat their chronic substance use. As a true practice representative, most of my experience with social work education has not been as a professional in the classroom. While I have guest lectured many times, most of my professional work with social work education has been collaborating with Texas Tech University and creating service learning projects for their classes at our organization.

I am a branch chair with NASW, serve on the city's Community Development and Services Board, as well as other nonprofit boards. I have also received a Top 20 Under 40 in Business award through networking and other skills, received multiple fellowships and grants for research, and given presentations all over the state of Texas.

I believe that CSWE must continue to be responsive to members and cultural climates with an emphasis on diversity, ethics, and interprofessional collaboration. I hope to contribute to not only keeping CSWE as the foremost authority on social work education but also to grow to be the authority on all education in the U.S. and beyond.