2017 CSWE Election Results
2017 Board of Directors
Graduate Program Representative
Cathryn Potter, Rutgers University
Graduate Faculty Representative
Mahasweta Banerjee, University of Kansas
Undergraduate Program Representative
Eunice Matthews-Armstread, Eastern Connecticut State University
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Lori Messinger, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
2017 National Nominating Committee
Graduate Program Representative
Theresa Cluse-Tolar, Ohio University
Graduate Program Representative
Victoria Rizzo, Binghamton State University (NY)
Undergraduate Program Representative
Daria Hanssen, Marist College (NY)
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Elizabeth Dungee-Anderson, Wayne State University (MI)
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Alice Locklear, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
All positions are three year terms, beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2020.