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2021 CSWE Election

The Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE's) National Nominating Committee (NNC) is pleased to present the candidates for the open positions on the CSWE Board of Directors and NNC. 

Voting is open for the CSWE 2021 election through Sunday, May 23, 2021, at 11:59 PM (EDT). Ballots were sent to all eligible members via individual e-mail on April 23, 2021. 

Please note: Your CSWE membership must be current through March 31, 2021, for you to be eligible to vote in this election.

2021 Election Slate

CSWE Board of Directors

Golam Mathbor, Monmouth University (NJ) 
Hilary Weaver, University at Buffalo, State University of New York (NY) 

Vice Chair/Secretary  
Manoj Pardasani, Adelphi University (NY) 
Halaevalu Vakalahi, Hawaii Pacific University (HI) 

Graduate Faculty Representative (Open Position 1 of 2) 
Debra Lavender-Bratcher, Texas Tech University (TX) 
Randy Nedegaard, California State University, Fresno (CA) 

Graduate Faculty Representative (Open Position 2 of 2) 
Kelly Bass, University of South Dakota (SD) 
Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Kennesaw State University (GA) 

Undergraduate Faculty Representative  
Paul Mackie, Minnesota State University, Mankato (MN) 
Patricia Saleeby, Bradley University (IL) 

Practice Representative  
Mavis Major, Renown Regional Medical Center (NV) 
James Akin, NASW Florida (FL) 

National Nominating Committee  

Graduate Program Representative  
Anthony Hill, Winthrop University (SC) 
Joan Pittman, University of Maryland (MD) 

Undergraduate Program Representative (Open Position 1 of 2)  
Daniel Freedman, George Mason University (VA) 
Debra Woody, University of Texas at Arlington (TX) 

Undergraduate Program Representative (Open Position 2 of 2)  
Thomas Felke, Florida Gulf Coast University (FL) 
Susan Nakaoka, California State University, Sacramento (CA) 

Graduate Faculty Representative (Open Position 1 of 2) 
Binta Alleyne-Green, Fordham University (NY) 
Christina Chiarelli-Helminiak, West Chester University (PA) 

Graduate Faculty Representative (Open Position 2 of 2) 
Judith Rocha, Northeastern Illinois University (IL) 
Jason Ostrander, Sacred Heart University (CT) 

All positions are 3-year terms, beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2024, except for the chair-elect, who serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee for 1 year and then begins a 3-year term as chair the following year.  

The membership eligibility deadline to vote in this election is March 31, 2021. Access the Procedures for Petitioning FormNomination by Petition Form, and Candidate Biographical Information and Statement Form. All petitions regarding the current election can be e-mailed or mailed to the CSWE office. E-mailed and mailed petitions must be received by 12:00 PM EDT, March 12, 2021. 

For questions about the election process, please contact CSWE Elections.