2014 JSWE Awards
Best Reviewers for 2014

Congratulations to Joseph R. Merighi, associate professor, University of Minnesota (left); and Carol T. Tully, emerita professor of social work, University of Louisville (right), who have been chosen as the JSWE Best Reviewers for 2014. Editorial Advisory Board members praised Tully and Merighi for providing timely reviews that were thorough and thoughtful, constructive comments that helped the editor in chief make final decisions, and concrete and helpful suggestions on how to improve manuscripts.
The winners of the Best Reviewer awards are selected by the Journal of Social Work Education Editorial Advisory Board to honor manuscript reviewers who have shown exceptional service in responsiveness to requests for review, timeliness in submitting completed reviews, and quality of written reviews. Dr. Merighi and Dr. Tully will be honored at the Reviewers Reception at the 2014 CSWE Annual Program Meeting in Tampa, FL.
Best Articles for 2014
The criteria for choosing the Best Articles published in the Journal of Social Work Education include the importance and timeliness of the content, originality of thought, innovative conceptualization of the topic, and presentation of conclusions and/or recommendations that add significantly to the professional knowledge base and to social work education. The award winners for this year will be honored at the Reviewers Reception at the 2014 CSWE Annual Program Meeting in Tampa, FL. The Best Article award winners are available at Taylor & Francis Online for viewing and free download through June 2015.
Best Research Article for Volume 49
Kimberly Bundy-Fazioli, Louise M. Quijano, & Roe Bubar. "Graduate Students' Perceptions of Professional Power in Social Work Practice" (volume 49, number 1, pp. 108–121)
Honorable Mention—Research Article
Best Conceptual Article for Volume 49
Tara Earls Larrison & Wynne S. Korr. "Does Social Work Have a Signature Pedagogy?" (volume 49, number 2, pp. 194–206)
Honorable Mention—Conceptual Article
Best Teaching Note for Volume 49
Susan C. Mapp. "Teaching Note—Integrating a Social Justice Assignment Into a Research Methods Course" (volume 49, number 1, pp. 150–172)
Honorable Mention—Teaching Note
Megan Moore, Kya Fawley-King, Susan I. Stone, & Sarah M. Accomazzo. "Teaching Note—Incorporating Journal Clubs Into Social Work Education: An Exploratory Model" (volume 49, number 2, pp. 353–360)