2014 APM
Preliminary Program
Check out this online and inactive booklet to learn more about the 2014 APM program and activities. For a quick overview begin with the table of contents located on page 3 of the document.
Registration Climbs Pass 1,600
Connect with your colleagues at APM by registering for the 2014 APM. Registration rates increase on Saturday, August 2; use our official online 2014 APM Registration Site to register.
Recruit Faculty Through Interview Booths
On July 15 all deans and directors were notified of onsite interview opportunities for CSWE program members posting positions on the online CSWE Career Center. Registration deadline is September 30.
Student Volunteer Registration Now Closed
The 2014 APM registration cycle has closed; this year’s limit of 100 students was reached on July 2, 2014.
Official Selection, CSWE 2014 Film Festival
Read about and view clips of the 12 films selected for the CSWE 2014 Film Festival at APM in Tampa. Topics range from military sexual assault, mental health stigma, and sex trafficking to LGBT issues in Black communities, Native American issues, and older adults tackling technology.
Check out the list of confirmed exhibitors; they total 83. Learn more about exhibiting opportunities on page 3 of the 2014 APM Marketing Toolkit.
NEW Student Travel Scholarships
CSWE is offering three student travel scholarships to social work students wishing to attend the 2014 Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Tampa, FL, October 24–26; three students will receive a complimentary student registration and $700 to assist with travel expenses. More details will be available in August on the APM website.