Katherine A. Kendall Institute
Katherine A. Kendall Institute Facebook Page
The Katherine A. Kendall Institute's Facebook page was developed during the fall 2013 semester with the help of graduate students from the University of North Dakota School of Social Work taking a diversity and international social welfare course. One of their projects was to reach out to social work students and educators overseas and have discussions on various social work topics featured throughout the semester; join the discussion and add the Katherine A. Kendall Facebook page today!
Teaching Human Rights Manual Now Available
The Katherine A. Kendall Institute (KAKI) and CSWE Press recently published Teaching Human Rights: Curriculum Resources for Social Work Educators edited by KAKI advisory board members M. C. “Terry" Hokenstad, Lynne M. Healy, and Uma A. Segal. The book is a compilation of syllabi, course modules, teaching exercises, and media recommendations that were submitted by CSWE members that are currently being used in graduate and undergraduate social work programs in the United States; books are now available for purchase online.
2014 Sustainable Human Development and Human Rights Faculty Development Trip to Costa Rica
CSWE’s Council on Global Learning, Research, and Practice is planning a faculty development trip to Costa Rica June 7–15, 2014. Interested CSWE members should send a brief bio or CV and letter of interest to kaki@cswe.org.
2014 Cuba Social Work Research Tour to Cuba
Marazul Charters and the Katherine A. Kendall Institute will hold a third social work study tour to Cuba in June 2014. Space is limited for this program; all participants must be members of CSWE and full-time faculty members and/or administrators at their respective universities.