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Hotel and Travel

Hotel Reservations

The 2017 Annual Program Meeting (APM) housing block is closed. The 2017 APM meeting was held in Dallas, at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, 400 Olive Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201.




To register by phone, call +1.800.716.7732.

Reservation Details & Deadline

All reservations should be made via the official housing vendor, Convention Management Resources, Inc. (CMR®). The hotel will not take call-in reservations directly. Reservations must be submitted online or by telephone using the link or number listed above.

The deadline to reserve sleeping rooms at the special CSWE meeting rates is September 11, 2017, or when the allotted room block sells out. All check and wire transfer payments must be received by September 11, 2017.

The hotel is 100% nonsmoking.

Housing Rate

  • $209 single/double per night.
  • Each additional person is $20 extra per room.
  • All rooms are assessed with a 15.26% state and local tax.

Alert to Meeting Participants

  • Booking housing with a company other than the 2017 APM hotel block/official housing vendor will potentially expose you to nonexistent reservations and the possibility of unauthorized credit card charges.
  • Occasionally, companies will ask attendees to book their rooms immediately through their company to receive the APM rate; however, please note the only official housing vendor is listed above.
  • CSWE recommends booking accommodations with CMR® because the rooms are guaranteed. If room reservations are booked with other "housing companies," there is a risk you will be scammed.
  • CSWE is not liable for any financial loss in the event you decide to book with one of these companies.
  • Please report any unauthorized hotel reservation solicitations via e-mail to APM. CSWE assumes the responsibility to demand a cease and desist of such efforts.


Air Travel

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) warmly welcomes more than 63 million customers along their journey every year. Customers can choose from 149 domestic and 55 international nonstop destinations worldwide. 

Dallas Love Field provide the best that can be offered in a convenient, efficient airport, serving both commerical airline and corporate user needs. Love Field is served by Southwest Airlines, Delta Airlines, Virgin American and is just minutes from Downtown Dallas.

Dallas Public Transportation

DART Rail's Orange Line operates 7 days a week to and from Terminal A at DFW Airport. DART also has a bus line that operates from Love Field and DFW.

Thank you to our 2017 APM Premier Sponsor!


Thank you 2017 APM  Platinum Sponsors!