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1. Do I have to be a presenter at APM to apply for the 2015 APM Student Travel Scholarships?

No. These scholarships are intended to encourage student participation in CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting. Students do not need to have an accepted proposal in order to apply, and preference is not given to those students who do.

2. Why do I have to have an active CSWE student membership? Can my membership be refunded if I’m not selected?

These scholarships are intended to be a benefit for CSWE student members. Students should not apply for a CSWE membership solely to be eligible for this scholarship. Refunds will be considered on a case by case basis.

3. Can I receive feedback on why I wasn’t selected?

The Council on Conferences and Faculty Development selects awardees through a closed review process. Unfortunately, we cannot provide feedback for applicants.

4. I have registered for the 2015 Annual Program Meeting. Does that count as a CSWE student membership?

Registration for the 2015 Annual Program Meeting does not necessarily include registration/renewal of a CSWE student membership. You are given the option to submit a registration or renewal of your CSWE student membership on the 2015 APM registration form along with your conference registration.

5. How should I include my letter of recommendation with my application packet?

The letter of recommendation should be submitted directly to you. You will be prompted to upload the letter as an attachment in the online application system.

6. I have received a membership waiver. Do I still need to have an active student membership to apply for this scholarship?

These scholarships are intended to be a benefit for CSWE student members, so an active student membership is required at the time of application.

7. I’m having trouble with the online application system. Who should I contact?

Please contact Anastasia Pruitt.