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Continuing Education

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), provider #1163, is approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) Program. CSWE maintains responsibility for the program.

As an ACE provider, CSWE is able to offer continuing education (CE) credits for five of our eight educational session formats! Every session must meet strict standards to be approved for CE credits. There are five APM educational session formats that meet ASWB's ACE standards for CE eligibility. Those sessions identified with the CE icon in the forthcoming APM Final Program are those that met these standards. Not all sessions are eligible, so if you are trying to maximize CE credits earned, attend only those sessions denoted with the CE icon.

New CE Logo

Credit is awarded at 1.0 CE per 60-minute session (50 minutes of uninterrupted instruction).

An additional fee of $65 is assessed for continuing education (CE) credit processing.

Please note that, although ACE provider CEs are accepted by most U.S. state licensing boards, the final authority for approving any continuing education activity rests with social work board of the state where you are licensed. Even those states that accept ACE approval may have exceptions in terms of courses they will accept.

The CE evaluation forms that will be used at the 2015 APM will be available in August. They include the learning objectives for each of the CE eligible sessions.