CE Credit-Eligible Session Formats
Of the eight education session formats at the 2015 APM, there are five continuing education (CE) credit-eligible formats. The shortest time interval eligible for the Association of Social Work Boards'(ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program is a period of not less than one hour in length, with clearly defined and outlined learning objectives, ending with an evaluative measure. CSWE's status as an ACE provider is contingent upon adhering to the standards and requirements of the ASWB.
Thursday,October 15 CE Credit-Eligible Preconference Workshops
1. Faculty Development Institute: 3 hours, 3.0 CE credits
2. Field Directors' Development Institute: 3 hours, 3.0 CE credits
3. Leadership Development Institute: 3 hours, 3.0 CE credits
Friday,October 16—Sunday, October 18 CE Credit-Eligible Educational Session Formats
4. Interactive Workshop: 60 minutes, 1.0 CE credit
5. Panel: 60 minutes, 1.0 CE credits
The following three educational session formats do NOT meet the ACE requirements for CE credit
1. Discussion Group
2. Interactive Poster
3. Oral Presentation