2015 APM Student Travel Scholarships
CSWE is pleased to offer six student travel scholarships to social work students wishing to attend the 2015 Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Denver, CO October 15–18. Two BSW students, two MSW students, and two PhD students will receive a complimentary student registration and $700 to assist with travel expenses. The deadline to submit applications was May 1, 2015. The APM Regional Planning Committee provided the generous funding for these awards.
Selection and Award Process
Applications will be reviewed and awardees selected by a subcommittee of the Council on Conferences and Faculty Development (CCFD). Awards will be provided at APM. Students will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
Important Dates
Applications were accepted from April 3, 2015 to May 1, 2015. Applications submitted after the May 1 deadline will not be considered. Award notifications will be made in June 2015.
Please direct questions about this award to Anastasia Pruitt.