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Spanish-Language Paper Presentation

Co-chair: Susy Villegas (The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
APM Assignment: 2022–2024

Co-chair: Evelyza Crespo (La Universidad Ana G. Méndez)
APM Assignment: 2021–2023

This Track invites proposals for papers to be presented in a Spanish–English bilingual format. Submissions in Spanish are subjected to the same review criteria as paper proposals submitted in English. Review criteria are found on the CSWE website or can be obtained from the CSWE staff. 

Papers may draw on a range of topics that are of importance and interest to social work professionals, educators, and students with a focus on the intersection of practice, service, research, and theory that address social, cultural, political, and economic issues.

  • Papers addressing cultural competence, transcultural and international perspectives, diversity, human rights, and social, political, and economic justice are encouraged.
  • Papers that deal with the intersectionality and complexity of problems experienced by individuals, families, groups, and communities, and that involve or address multiple levels of political and socioeconomic structures are suitable for this track.
  • Proposals that address historical content and contemporary social issues and trends are also recommended.