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Indigenous and Tribal Track
Chair: Debi Thibeault (East Tennessee State University)
APM Assignment: 2020–2022
Co-chair: Jeremy Vu (Oglala Lakota College)
APM Assignment: 2022–2024
This track presents information on Indigenous and Tribal. Indigenous peoples are the original inhabitants of a land. Their societies, cultures, and nations predate the founding of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries that have been established in their territories. As documented by the United Nations, Indigenous peoples are among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in the world. They also have many strengths in their communities and cultures that must be recognized and incorporated into social work education. Presentations within this track include content on peoples indigenous to the United States (including Native Hawaiians and Alaska Natives) and from other regions. Topics include culturally relevant and respectful research with Indigenous peoples; recruitment and retention of Indigenous students in social work programs; Indigenous faculty and staff members in social work academia; contemporary social issues in Indigenous communities; the roles of social workers in Indigenous communities past, present, and future; and training social work students to work respectfully and effectively with Indigenous clients.