The Clearinghouse for Economic Well-Being in Social Work Education is a national platform for the dissemination of teaching resources and tools to assist social work faculty members to integrate a more economic informed perspective in their classrooms. The clearinghouse was made possible with generous funding from the Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation, Inc. and the New York Community Trust.
The working definition of economic well-being was updated in October 2016 after integrating feedback from the project work group and external reviewers.
Curricular Guide for Economic Well-Being
This guide further defines the components of economic well-being and links the concept to the nine competencies. The connections to the social work competencies are further explicated in a curricular map that links recommended curriculum materials to the essential knowledge, values, skills, cognitive and affective processes, and behaviors related to economic well-being that support each competency. Information about curricular resources is also provided, linked to the competencies. This resource will provide the guidance needed to feature economic well-being prominently in social work education and better prepare students for today’s practice demands.