Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education
Barbados, January 10-12, 2007
Interested in a particular topic? The following are presentations from the international seminar on disaster and social work education organized in Barbados by theme.
International Response to Disaster
Unique Roles and Skills for Professional Social Works in Indonesia: Disaster Management Martha Haffey Haffey, DSW, MSW, LCSW, Building Professional Social Work in Developing Countries ( www.bpsw.org org) and Ikatan Pekerja Sosial Profesional Indonesia |
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Social Workers Respond to Disasters in the Caribbean:Parameters, Process and Outcomes Based on Strengths and ResiliencySocial Resiliency Presentation by Patricia Lager, Florida State University Karen Ring, University of the West Indies Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Internally Displaced Women (IDW): The Embodiment of Colombia’s Crisis. CSWE-Barbados January 10-12/07 Mónica M. Alzate Ph.D., Assistant Professor School of Social Work The University of Oklahoma Over 3 million Colombians are internally displaced persons (IDP), the second largest displaced population in the world after Sudan. In most studies on IDP, even those focusing on internally displaced women (IDW), these women are treated as if their plight were an isolated phenomenon. Through document analysis and key informant interviews carried out in the three largest Colombian cities in 2003, this paper uses Cabal, Lemaitre, and Roa’s(2001) sexual and reproductive rights (SRR) framework to demonstrate that the situation of IDW is an integral reflection of Colombia’s chronic cultural, political and socio-economic crisis. The effects of violence, discrimination, oppression and poverty within the Colombian society are evidenced as each one of the following rights is discussed: (a) The right to health and to reproductive health; (b) the right to decide the number and interval of children combined with the right to privacy; (c) theright to physical integrity and to be free from violence; (d) the right to be free from sexual exploitation; (e) the right to education. A holistic understanding of the current humanitarian emergency, this paper argues, is essential to improve the lives of IDP. Concrete short-term recommendations to meet some of the needs of IDP and other vulnerable populations are offered. |
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Disaster Relief in Korea In Young Han Ewha Womans University Contents: 1. Damages 2. Relief Activities 3. Mental Health Issues 4. Social Work Education |
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Social Work Practice Response to Disaster
Practice Perspectives of Disaster Work Presentation at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 Michael Cronin, Assistant Professor of Social Work, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (USA), Volunteer Disaster Mental Health Leader, American Red Cross in Greater New York (USA) Diane Ryan, Director of Health & Mental Health, American Red Cross in Greater New York (USA) |
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Equipping Social Workers to Deal with Issues of Spirituality and Religion in Times of Disaster Lita Allen The University of the West Indies Mona Campus Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Building cultural competence in disaster response Ken Lee, LSW, DCSW Director, Disaster Case Management Program University of Hawaii School of Social Work Presentation Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Critical Incident Stress Management: A Program To Address Issues of Secondary Traumatization Among Tele-registration Disaster Workers Norma Jones, D.S.W. LICSW School of Social Work Howard University Washington, D.C. Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Linking Social Work Intervention to Reducing Disaster
The Role of Social Work Building Social Capital for Sustainable Disaster Relief & Management Presented ByGolam M. Mathbor, MSS, MSW, Ph.D. Associate Dean, School of Humanities & Social Sciences Associate Professor of Social Work Department Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA. Disaster Planning, Management and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education St. Michael, Barbados January 11, 2007 |
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Helping the Oil and Gas Industry Cope With Disaster: Preparing Social Workers Globally Evangelina Hammonds, LCSW, CTS Houston, Texas USA Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Accounting for Disaster Related Chemical Contamination Chemical Release Sources during Disasters Human Health Effects: Pesticides & ChildrenSocial Work Research, Practice, Education Disaster Planning, Management and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education, CSWE/IASSW/NACASSW January 2007 Mary E. Rogge,PhD, Assc. Professor University of Tennessee College of Social Work Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
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DISASTERS – STRUCTURAL ANALYIS MACRO PRACTICE ROLES Peta-Anne Baker, PhD North American & Caribbean Assn of Schools of Social Work (NACASSW) & University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica Seminar on“Disaster Planning, Management & Relief: New Responsibilities for SWE” Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Vulnerable Population, Disaster and Social Work Education
VULNERABLE POPULATIONS AND THE MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF DISASTERS Michael J. Zakour, Ph.D. Tulane University Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Socio-economic impact of hazards in the Caribbean: Framing action for the social worker Jeremy Collymore Coordinator, CDERA International Seminar on Disaster Planning, Management and Relief January 10 –12, 2007 |
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Rushing In: A Social Work Educational Opportunity to Enhance Disaster Management and Response Randy Basham Ph.D. The University of Texas at Arlington (U.S.A.) Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Disaster Response Curriculum Module for Foundation Social Work Courses Presenter: So`Nia L. Gilkey, MSW, LCSW, PhD Candidate University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work Council on Social Work Education Disaster Planning, Management and Relief Conference January 11, 2006 Barbados, West Indies |
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Curriculum Infusion (Disaster Content into Social Work)
Disaster in the Curriculum Lynne M. Healy Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Curricular Transformation: A model from the CSWE Gero-Ed Center Ashley Brooks-Danso, MSW Co-Director, CSWE Gero-Ed Center Presentated at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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Social Work Curriculum: Issues, Components and Theoretical Considerations in the Integration of Disaster Response
Engaging Social Workers in Disaster Risk Reduction Across the Curriculum Marla A. Petal, Ph.D. CSWE IASSW NACASSW Disaster Planning, Management and Relief St. Michael, Barbardos, January 2007 |
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Creating a Disaster Management and Social Work Module Eileen Brady & Ralph Firth Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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A Social Development Model for Infusing Disaster Planning, Management and Relief into the Curriculum Doreen Elliott University of Texas at Arlington Presentation for Disaster Planning, Management and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education. Seminar sponsored by KAKI, CSWE, IASSW and NACASSW St. Michael, Barbados 10--12 January 2007 |
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Disaster Planning, Management and Relief with Vulnerable Populations: Training Towards a Pedagogically Sound Curriculum
Social Work Education for Disaster Recovery and Community Building byM.C. “Terry” Hokenstad Case Western Reserve University presented at International Seminar on Disaster Planning,Management and Relief New Responsibilities for Social Work Education Barbados, West Indies January 10-12, 2007 |
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A Social Justice and Prevention Oriented Framework for Infusing Disaster Related Knowledge and Skills in Social Work Education Mark Smith, Barry University, Miami, Florida Mary Kay Houston-Vega, University of Texas, San Antonio JolynMikow,University of Texas, San Antonio Presented at Disaster Planning, Management, and Relief: New Responsibilities for Social Work Education meeting in Barbados, January 10-12, 2007 |
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“Hold down de Roof” Developing A Psycho--social Response To Post Disaster Stress In Grenada Jennifer Holder Dolly, Ph.D. University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, TRINIDAD January, 2007 |
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Seminar Proceedings: Disaster Management
A Summary of Presentations is available that covers all the presentations from the international seminar on disaster management held in Barbados.