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2015 PC/PD FDI

The Training Social Workers with PC/PD Competencies: Instructional Techniques FDI will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources to prepare their BSW and MSW students for the rapid competency-based changes occurring within the Aging and Disability (A/D) Network and within community-based long-term services and supports (LTSS) funded by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This FDI builds upon effective strategies and lessons learned from nine social work programs that are infusing person-centered and participant-directed (PC/PD) competencies and content into their required generalist and advanced curriculum, in collaboration with nine community agency partners, through a national project funded by the New York Community Trust. Both faculty participants and CSWE Gero-Ed Center/NRCPDS leaders have developed the PC/PD competencies and teaching resources presented in the FDI.
The FDI’s learning objectives are as follows:

  • Understand the PC/PD philosophy, service delivery, competencies, and role in community-based long-term services and supports, such as the Aging and Disability Network, and implications for social work education and practice.
  • Use the provided PC/PD Competencies Toolkit to select appropriate teaching resources for infusion into generalist and advanced social work courses.
  • Apply relevant strategies to engage faculty, administrators, and students within your social work program in order to infuse PC/PD competencies, content, and measures of student competency attainment into your required generalist social work curriculum.

Attendance is limited to 35 participants – so be sure to register early (Check Box “D” in Section 3 of the registration form).
For more information, contact Suzanne St Peter,