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FDI: Preparing Social Workers with PC/PD Competencies

Thursday, October 23

1:30-4:30 PM

This Faculty Development Institute (FDI) provided participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources to prepare generalist-level students for the rapid competency-based changes occurring within the Aging and Disability Network and within community-based long-term services and supports funded by the Affordable Care Act. Participants received the person-centered and participant-directed (PC/PD) competencies that students need to work effectively with older adults and people with disabilities. This FDI built upon effective strategies and lessons learned from nine social work programs that are infusing PC/PD competencies and content into their required generalist courses and, in collaboration with nine community agency partners, into their student field/practicum placements as part of a national project funded by the New York Community Trust.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the PC/PD philosophy, service delivery, competencies, and role in community-based long-term services and supports, such as the Aging and Disability Network, and implications for social work education and practice.
  • Use the provided PC/PD Competencies Toolkit to select appropriate teaching resources for infusion into generalist social work courses.
  • Apply relevant strategies to engage faculty, administrators, and students within your social work program in order to infuse PC/PD competencies, content, and measures of student competency attainment into your required generalist social work curriculum (courses and field/practicum placements).

For more information, contact Suzanne St Peter.