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Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Gero Social Work Practice

The John A. Hartford Foundation, the Social Work Leadership Institute, and the Council on Social Work Education Gero-Ed Center is pleased to offer the Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Gero Social Work Practice, the first of the 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series, as a free download available here. The curriculum content and resources outlined in this guide are intended as resources to help programs conceptualize specialized practice in aging and infuse aging into their curricula. For each of the nine 2015 EPAS social work competencies, guide users can select from and access the suggested resources, including full descriptions of in-class exercises and assignments, by clicking on the associated URL.  Our hope is that this will be an invaluable resource to faculty and field instructors who are educating students to work effectively with older adults and their constituencies (e.g., their informal and formal support systems).   This guide replaces the 2008 Guide that is still available for download here.
NOTE:  The competency descriptions and resources found in this guide are not  mandated by the CSWE Commission on Accreditation, and programs are not required to use them for the purposes of accreditation. They are offered only as examples and are intended to serve as resources for programs in developing their areas of specialized practice.