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Changing Roles - Grandparents as Caregivers Teaching Module

This module focuses on intergenerational concerns of grandparents raising grandchildren using a strengths-based perspective and includes narrative from a video interview with an older woman who is raising her grandson. Additional materials include a Caregiver Stress Quiz; a list of 100 ways for the grandparent to practice self-care; a Caregiver Coping Skills Survey; and a list of coping strategies, such as spirituality, exercise, reading, patience, and friends. An additional reference is given to address cultural context and Genograms with African American Families.

Competencies Addressed in This Module:

  1. An understanding of the impact of inter- and multigenerational family systems and relationships. 
  2. Utilization of family interventions with older adults and their families (e.g., promote safety, restore relationships) in order to assist caregivers to reduce their stress levels, maintain their own mental and physical health, and promote better care of the elder.