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Substance Misuse and Family Involvement With an Older Adult Teaching Module

This video illustrates the challenges of interviewing, plus alcohol and other drug abuse screening with a client in the presence of a protective family member. The video is the initial interview with the Short MAST-G questions integrated into the interview.

The symptoms demonstrated are: the client’s report of frequent use of alcohol, blackouts, and spending most of income on alcohol and cigarettes; and the family member‘s efforts to divert the social worker’s attention away from questions about alcohol use and to minimize alcohol-related problems. This interview shows how families can be either a help or a hindrance in the screening or assessment process. Teaching points, evaluation tools, discussion questions, and resources are offered. A script of the video is provided.

Advanced Competencies Addressed in This Module:

  1. Ability to engage, maintain rapport, and sustain effective working relationships with a wide range of older adults including those with behavior problems, mental illness, or dementia.
  2. Understanding of how to conduct assessment and intervention strategies for substance/drug/alcohol abuse in later life.
  3. Mediation of situations with problem behaviors that involve family members.
  4. Application of concepts, theories, and research of biological, psychological, and social aging to social work assessment and intervention.