Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression
The Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (CSOGIE) promotes the development of social work curriculum materials and faculty growth opportunities relevant to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, and the experiences of individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or two-spirit. Read more about CSOGIE's charge.
Activities include the LGBT Caucus/CSOGIE Networking Reception, the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Scholarship Award, and the CSOGIE Mentorship Breakfast for LGBTQ doctoral students and junior faculty members.
A Call to Fight Against Racism
CSOGIE has issued a call to action in the fight against racism, White supremacy, state violence, and the intersections of cissexism and heterosexism. This call to action reinforces our commitment to our continued work as a council to increase inclusive practices and policies in social work education. Visit the Social Justice Community on the CSWESpark! platform to read the full statement.
SOGIE Scholarship Award
The award recognizes scholarship that contributes to knowledge about sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; the individual and systemic issues associated with these topics; the development of social work curriculum materials and faculty growth opportunities relevant to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; and the experiences of individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and/or two-spirit.
The 2021 cycle is closed.
Click here to learn more.
2-QTPOC Social Work Impact Award
The Council on Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity (CRECD) and CSOGIE present the Two-Spirit, Queer, and Trans People of Color (2-QTPOC) Social Work Impact Award.
The 2-QTPOC Social Work Impact Award seeks to recognize and honor a midcareer or senior social work scholar who has made significant and outstanding contributions to the field of social work through teaching, mentorship, research, and service related to issues that affect 2-QTPOC communities.
The 2021 cycle is closed.
Click here to learn more.
CSOGIE Resources
The NAME Steps: How to Name and Address Anti-LGBTQIA2S+ Microaggressions in Social Work Classrooms
CSOGIE has developed a guide to support colleagues in better recognizing and intervening in microaggressions toward LGBTQIA2S+ populations. The guide introduces the NAME Steps (notice, acknowledge, make space, engage) with more detail and examples for application. It also outlines steps and strategies to enhance comprehension and includes a list of references and resources for further learning and study.
Social Work Student Speak Out
Read the CSOGIE study report, Social Work Students Speak Out! The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Students in Social Work Programs.
Rainbow Papers: Guidelines for Social Work Education
Guidelines for Affirmative Social Work Education
A guide for creating social work educational environments that support lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning students, faculty, administrators, and staff.
Guidelines for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) Affirmative Education
A guide for creating social work educational environments that support TGNC identities.