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FAQs about the SOGIE Scholarship Award

q-icon.png Are APM proposals of any type eligible for consideration?


Yes, your scholarly paper can be associated with any type of accepted Annual Program Meeting presentation format (e.g., discussion group, panel, interactive poster, oral presentation, Faculty Development Institute, partnership presentation).

q-icon.png Can I submit a paper that was not accepted for presentation at APM this year?


No. Only scholarly papers based on presentations at the Annual Program Meeting that fit the purpose of this award will be considered.


q-icon.png I am presenting a paper at APM that has already been published in a journal. Is it eligible for the award?


Yes, it is. Previously published papers/manuscripts will be considered.

q-icon.png If I was awarded the SOGIE Scholarship Award in the past, am I eligible to apply for it again?


Papers authored by any recipients of the SOGIE (previously known as SOGE) Scholarship Award within the last 3 years will not be considered for the award.

q-icon.png To be considered for the award, does my paper have to be based on the proposal that was accepted at APM?


Yes, it does.

q-icon.png Is there a page limit for the paper?


No; papers of any length will be considered as long as they meet the criteria for the award.  Click here for the award criteria.

q-icon.png My paper on LGBT issues was accepted, but it was not submitted to the LGBT Track. Is it eligible for the award?


Yes, it is. Any accepted paper on LGBT issues, regardless of its Track assignment, is eligible for the award.

q-icon.png To whom do I submit the paper?


E-mail your submission to CSOGIE Staff Liaison Mumbi Mwaura at

q-icon.png What should I submit to be considered for the award?

a-icon.pngThe application consists of two parts:
  1. a copy of your scholarly paper as a Word document with all identifying information removed, and
  2. a separate title page showing the name, credentials, affiliation, and e-mail addresses of all authors and identifying the corresponding author.

Click here for the full submission criteria.

q-icon.png When is the deadline for submitting papers?


The 2021 award cycle has ended.

q-icon.png When will the award be presented?


The recipient(s) will be recognized and awarded at the LGBT Caucus/CSOGIE Reception at the Annual Program Meeting. At least one author of the paper must agree to attend the award presentation.

q-icon.png When will the winner be notified about the award?


Winners will be notified in late spring. Biographical information and photos of the winners will appear on the CSWE website and may be included in the Annual Program Meeting Final Program, if space permits.

q-icon.png Who are the reviewers for the award?


Reviewers consist of members of the Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (CSOGIE).

q-icon.png Will you consider a paper that does not address LGBT issues?


No; the purpose of the SOGIE Scholarship Award is to recognize scholarship that addresses LGBT issues and contributions made in this area.