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2019 SOGIE Award  

The 2019 recipients of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Scholarship Award are Carlos Santos, PhD (University of California Los Angeles) and Rachel VanDaalen (Arizona State University). Their award-winning paper is titled, “Identity Conflicts in Allegiances and Mental Health.” 

2019 Award Recipients 

CSOGIE-2019-1.jpgarlos E. Santos is assistant professor in the University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Social Welfare. Trained at New York University and Harvard, his research draws on diverse disciplines, theories, and methods to improve understanding of how social identities (i.e., ethnic-racial, gender, and sexual minority identities) and oppressions associated with social identities (e.g., racism, heterosexism, identity conflicts) overlap and create unique conditions with implications for an individual’s development and well-being. Ultimately, he aims to translate his research into practical intervention. He has engaged in various efforts (e.g., co-edited peer-reviewed journal special issue and section, co-led study groups) to explore the applications of intersectionality to the health sciences and helping professions. 

SOGIE-2019-2.jpgRachel A. VanDaalen is a doctoral student in counseling psychology at Arizona State University. Her research interests include understanding how people experience and cope with multiple forms of marginalization (e.g., racism, heterosexism, ableism) in terms of individual well-being and group-level activism. She is also interested in connecting psychology's methodology to the work of disability studies scholars and activists to better understand the implications of different conceptualizations of disability and neurodiversity. In addition to research, she has been engaged in clinical practice in a variety of settings.