2006 Gero-Ed Forum
The 4th Annual Gero-Ed Forum was held in Chicago, IL from February 16-19, 2006 and provided attendees with innovative, high quality, and timely sessions and events.
The Gero-Ed Forum was pleased to welcome over 235 presenters from 99 social work education programs, seven community organizations, and four countries. Special events included a Film Festival; a Kick-Off event featuring Dr. Elizabeth Clark, Executive Director of NASW and an intergenerational dance troupe, Perceptual Motion; Special Sessions on topical issues; and a roundtable session in partnership with the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work.
The Gero-Ed Forum also featured the Anita Rosen Gerontology Awards for Outstanding Student Poster, which was established to promote the advancement of gerontological social work education among social work students. Please visit our 2006 Rosen Awards page for more information on the winning students.
A special thanks to all of the 2006 Gero-Ed Forum sponsors:
- Haworth Press, Inc.
- Rush University Medical Center
- Alzheimer's Association
- Anita Rosen