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Springfield College

Specialized Structure: Area of Emphasis

Springfield College School of Social Work (SCSSW) has developed an Area of Emphasis in Gerontology for students in their MSW advanced year. The program was implemented Fall Semester 2010, with 7 students enrolled. Area of Emphasis in Gerontology components include:

  1. An elective, Working with Older Adults for Clinicians, Administrators, & Activists, required for students who choose the Area of Emphasis in Gerontology.
  2. Advanced year assignments within courses and field designed to encourage students to expand their knowledge and skills in this area of emphasis.
  3. Assigned faculty advisor/s whose focus is in Gerontology.
  4. Enrichment Sessions as an important component of learning. Special sessions are scheduled, which bring students/colleagues together who share interest in gerontology.
  5. A field practicum which emphasizes gerontological social work.
  6. Administrative projects within field placements that support advancement in this Area of Emphasis.

In order to support the sustainment of this program, SCSSW has developed the Community of Practice (COP) for Western Massachusetts. The COP is a network of community providers and higher education representatives committed to developing a full continuum of services for older adults, as well as promoting practice competency, conducting research, and advocacy. Students in the Area of Emphasis in Gerontology are also members of the Community of Practice.