Binghamton University
Specialized Structure: Certificate
The Binghamton University Department of Social Work launched their Certificate in Geriatrics and Gerontological Social Work in Fall 2010. Four students formally enrolled in the program. Requirements included:
- Participation in providing in-home interpersonal psychotherapy to depressed and/or mildly cognitively impaired older adults and their caregivers.
- Attendance at the Enhancing Quality of Life in Older Years Conference.
- Focus on aging-related projects within the following concentration year classes: Advanced Practice with Families, Advanced Practice with Groups, Advanced Practice with Communities, Advanced Practice with Organizations, and Evaluation of Practice. These projects must meet gero-competencies as approved by the instructor and/or designated representative from the certificate committee.
- Participation in a monthly integrative seminar, which culminates in a capstone project that meets specific objectives derived from the Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale II with Life-long Learning in Relationship to Leadership Skills (GSWCS II), and builds upon and integrates gero-competencies obtained across the concentration curriculum.
Students developed a capstone project in consultation with a certificate committee mentor; the project was evaluated in terms of how well it met learning objectives agreed to by the student and his/her committee advisors. Students shared their final projects in a college-wide forum.