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Substance Abuse Intervention Teaching Module

This teaching module, with teaching notes, assigned readings, guided discussion questions, a PowerPoint, and recommended DVD is designed to strengthen understanding of the unique issues of late life addiction. Instruction targets the physical deterioration that often accompanies substance abuse in older adults, client denial, stages of change, and implications of harm reduction. The readings explore motivational strategies, identification and treatment of excessive alcohol use, and a variety of assessment tools and treatment options. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of the influence of ageism on the identification and treatment of substance abuse in older adults. Pretests and posttests for knowledge of substance abuse interventions are offered.

The accompanying PowerPoint on Substance Abuse and Older Adults offers teaching material related to: demographics, medications, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, benzodiazepines, alcohol and health or medical consequences, healthy drinking, standard drink size, substance abuse and mental health, co-existing disorders, co-morbidity, depression, patterns of abuse, late versus early onset, risk factors, barriers to identification and treatment, diagnostic DSM-IV criteria, atypical symptoms, intervention, motivational interviewing, and the role of the clinician.

Competencies Addressed in This Module:

  1. Conducting assessment and intervention strategies for substance/drug/alcohol abuse in later life.