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Same Sex Couples in Later Life Teaching Module

This mini-module, developed for infusion in a course on sexual identity and social work practice, focuses on exploring the unique issues facing LGBTQ people who are aging. It explores the issues of cultural values regarding gender identity and sexual orientation for diverse generations. Students will increase their skills in providing assessment and intervention services for working with elders in nursing homes and in end-of-life care. It includes referenced readings, suggested videos, and facts and figures for the aging LGBTQ population. The PowerPoint presentation addresses issues related to: defining terms, LGBT aging, associated problems and examples, barriers, family life of LGBT people, issues related to being victims and targets, issues related to LGBT elders who are more likely to be seen as outcasts or “closeted” than younger counterparts, families of choice, LGBT elders as a vulnerable population, and resources for LGBT elders.

Competencies Addressed In This Module:

  1. Respect for diversity of class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation among older adult clients, families, and professionals.
  2. Adaptation of psycho-educational approaches to enhance older persons’ coping capacities and mental health.
  3. Identification and assessment of one’s own values and biases regarding aging and, as necessary, taking steps to dispel myths about aging