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Working With Older Adults With Substance Use Issues: Field Instructor Seminar

The Working With Older Adults With Substance Use Issues - Field Instructor Seminar powerpoint (with teaching notes) informs field instructors of curriculum innovations related to developing and evaluating field assignments for students working with older adults with substance use/abuse issues.

Learning Objectives

  • Increase awareness, understanding, and strategies for developing and preparing agencies and field assignments for students working with older adults.
  • Address demographics: Long Island, NY population profile.
  • Address baby boomers and alcohol and other drug use (AOD).


Examples of competency areas gained through this module include effective working relationships with individuals who have behavior problems, mental illness, and dementia; DSM-IV criteria for substance abuse (SA); treatment; prevalence; guidelines; defining SA patterns; ethics of intervention; AOD use and effects; treatment need; issues for older adults; signs of potential SA problems; screening instruments and tools (MAST-G, S-MAST-G, and CAGE); and intervention strategies for substance/drug/alcohol abuse in later life. The focus is on connecting classroom knowledge with field and providing examples of field assignments.