Master's Advanced Curriculum (MAC) Project
The Master's Advanced Curriculum (MAC) Project, 2007-2010, enhanced three advanced MSW specialty practice areas - mental health, substance use, and health - with gerontological competencies, content, and measures of student attainment.
Rationale and Mission
Through two interrelated initiatives, the MAC Project aimed to address the shortage of gerontological content included in advanced social work curricula in health, mental health, and substance use. Through user-friendly teaching resources, the initiatives served to increase gerontological competencies and prepare students to work with older adult clients.
Gero Innovations Grant: The Gero Innovations Grant funded 14 MSW programs to develop teaching materials, such as case studies, media, and modules, to infuse gerontological competencies in their advanced curriculum for one or more of the three specialty practice areas.
Resource Reviews: The Resource Reviews, conducted by national experts in the three advanced practice areas, examined the existing evidence-based literature and identified gero curricular resources for inclusion into the advanced curriculum. PowerPoint presentations, case studies, and comprehensive literature reviews are available for faculty to infuse in their classes.
Sadhna Diwan, PhD, San Jose State University
Project Principal Investigator
Nancy Hooyman, PhD, University of Washington
Co-Principal Investigator, CSWE Gero-Ed Center