Cycle 2 CDI Program
Participating Programs
Forty-four programs, involving 80 faculty members, completed the 3-year Cycle 2 CDI Program, 2008-2011. The CDI Program grantees were distributed nationally, ranging from large to small institutions in urban and rural locations, as illustrated by the data below:
- Small: 41% of funded programs had 4 or fewer full-time faculty.
- Rural: 24% of funded programs served rural populations, with 57% serving mixed urban/rural geographic areas.
- BSW: Over 80% of funded programs focused infusion on the BSW required generalist curriculum: 59% infused only at the BSW level; an additional 22% infused at both the BSW and MSW levels.
- Culturally Diverse Student Body: 13% of funded programs were based in Historically Black Colleges or Universities, with an additional 13% originally from Hispanic Serving Institutions.
- States With Older Adult Population Greater Than National Average: Just under 50% of funded programs were from these states, as indicated by Administration on Aging statistics.
Bethany College
Bethel College
Binghamton University, SUNY
Briar Cliff University
Buena Vista University
Campbellsville University
Catholic University of America
Christopher Newport University
East Central University
Ferris State University
Florida International University
Grand Valley State University
Johnson C. Smith University
Luther College
Marywood University
Mississippi Valley State University
Mount Mary College
New Mexico Highlands University - Rio Rancho
New Mexico State University
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Northwestern College
Oakwood University
Park University
Prairie View A&M University
Savannah State University
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Smith College
Spalding University
University of Arkansas at Monticello
University of Central Florida
University of Central Missouri
University of Connecticut
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
University of Texas at Arlington
University of West Florida
Wayne State University
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
West Virginia University
Western Illinois University
Western Michigan University
Western New Mexico University
William Woods University
Xavier University, Cincinnati
CDI Mentors
Seven faculty who participated in the Cycle 1 CDI Program and two faculty who served as Cycle 1 Mentors were selected as Cycle 2 Mentors. CDI Mentors provided continuous support to faculty participants, including following up with them via monthly conference calls, responding to questions and concerns, and attending annual CDI Workshops:
- Delores Dungee-Anderson
- Denise Gammonley
- Adrian Kok
- Cynthia Merriwether-deVries
- Penelope Moore
- Victoria Murdock
- Becky Paskind
- Jack Sellers
- Nancy Sidell