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University of Portland

University of Portland’s BEL project consisted of two main goals: (1) to establish two gerontology-related practicum sites for social work majors in their senior year, and (2) to increase students’ interest in gerontological social work through interaction with older adults in the practicum and research courses. The experiential learning activities that were used to meet the second goal included involving four students in aging-related practicum sites and having students in the research methods course design and implement a research study on aging-related issues that required students to interact with older adults.

Courses that Included Experiential Activity:

  • Social Work Research
  • Field Instruction

Gero Practice Behaviors:

  • Assess and address values and biases regarding aging.
  • Identify issues related to losses, changes, and transitions over their life cycle in designing interventions.
  • Adapt interviewing methods to potential sensory, language, and cognitive limitations of the older adult.