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Miles College

The goals of our the Miles College BEL project were to make social work students aware of the older adult population and provide them with experience in working with this population with the vision of engaging student interest in a career with older adults. A series of activities were planned and implemented, including volunteer hours spent with members of this population for introduction to social work classes and social work club activities, and assignments in diversity, social welfare policy, and practice classes. Miles College also planned and implemented a Conference on the Elderly, which showcased BEL student accomplishments and included other topics of interest to the aging population.

Courses that Included Experiential Activity:

  • Introduction to Social Work
  • Social Welfare Policy
  • Practice with Individuals
  • Diversity

Gero Practice Behaviors:

  • Address the cultural, spiritual, and ethnic values and beliefs of older adults and families.
  • Assess and address values and biases regarding aging.
  • Provide social work case management to link elders and their families to resources and services.