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Benefits of CSWE Accreditation

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Commission on Accreditation (COA) is the sole accrediting body for social work programs in the United States and its territories.  Accreditation is a system for recognizing educational institutions, and the professional programs affiliated with those institutions, for a level of performance and quality that entitles them to the confidence of the educational community and the public they serve.  The purposes of accreditation are quality assurance, academic improvement, and public accountability

CSWE’s Commission on Accreditation (COA) establishes expectations for academic quality through the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) to accredit baccalaureate and master’s-level social work programs.
A baccalaureate and master’s social work degree from a CSWE-accredited program positions graduates for:

Employment:  Some employers require documentation of a social work degree from a CSWE-accredited program. 

Advanced standing:  All accredited graduate social work programs require a bachelor’s degree from a CSWE-accredited program for a prospective student to be eligible for advanced standing.

Licensing:  Most state-based social work licensing boards require a social work degree from a CSWE-accredited social work program in order to sit for a licensing exam. For more information on individual state requirements, visit