CSWE’s Commission on Educational Policy (COEP) is charged with preparing, at periodic intervals not to exceed 7 years, a statement of social work curriculum policy to encourage excellence in educational programs and to be used by the Commission on Accreditation (COA) in formulating and revising accreditation standards. The educational policy and the accreditation standards are conceptually linked to each other, so a 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) Joint Committee was formed with members from each commission.
Current Joint Committee members:
- COEP representatives: Shirley Gatenio-Gabel, chair (Fordham University); Antoinette Farmer (Rutgers University); Brian Anderson (Jackson State University); Cynthia Franklin (University of Texas at Austin) Melissa Reitmeier, chair, Council on Field Education (University of South Carolina)
- COA representatives: Deana Morrow, chair (West Virginia University); Michele Hanna (University of Denver); Shelly Wiechelt (University of Maryland Baltimore) Thomas Walsh (Boston College); Francis Origanti (Sacred Heart University)
- Commission on Research representative (advisory): Shari Miller (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- CSWE staff: Tanya Smith Brice, vice president of education; Megan Fujita, executive director of accreditation; Marilyn Gentner, accreditation specialist
2022 EPAS Revision and Release
COEP and COA released the second draft of the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) in October 2021, and solicited feedback from a variety of constituents until December 17, 2021. This was the last public comment period for the 2022 EPAS. The feedback for the second draft is currently under review and the final draft is planned for a Summer 2022 release. Please see the 2022 EPAS Revision Timeline for further details.
CSWE is committed to a comprehensive and thorough review process to develop a 2022 EPAS that reflects the excellence of social work education programs. In addition to feedback solicited from CSWE constituents, the Joint Committee reviewed educational policies and accreditation standards from other programmatic accreditors, as well as Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognition standards, to inform Draft 2. CSWE’s COA is currently recognized by CHEA to accredit baccalaureate and master’s social work degree programs in the United States and its territories.
The first draft was released in spring 2021. In addition to the feedback survey, COEP and COA presented on the draft and solicited feedback in several virtual forums. Of those who responded to this survey and attended the feedback session, there is overwhelming support for the proposed changes in this first draft. Results of the feedback on the first draft are available here.
2022 EPAS Documents
2022 EPAS Implementation Timeline - Updated Feburary 2022
Below is the current implementation timeline for programs, which was updated and approved by the COA at its February 2022 meeting. Updates are highlighted. Please note, information related to the 2022 EPAS implementation timeline is subject to change, pending approval of the final 2022 EPAS. Additionally, the 2022 EPAS is still in draft form and programs are encouraged to wait until the final version of the 2022 EPAS is published before making major changes to align with any draft standards, which are subject to change.
Accredited Programs:
- All accredited programs are expected to operate under the 2022 EPAS by July 1, 2025.
- Programs submitting self-studies prior to August 1, 2024, will have an option to use the 2015 or the 2022 EPAS.
- Programs on the June 2025 agenda for reaffirmation (self-study submission August 1, 2024) or later will use the 2022 EPAS to prepare their self-studies.
- Programs reaffirmed under the 2015 EPAS after July 1, 2024, will have 1 year from their reaffirmation date to transition to the 2022 EPAS.
Candidacy Programs:
- Programs submitting Draft Benchmark I documents January 1, 2023, or later will use the 2022 EPAS for their benchmark documents.
- All programs that have submitted Draft Benchmark I documents on or before December 31, 2022, will continue operating under the 2015 EPAS for the duration of the Candidacy process.
- Programs granted initial accreditation under the 2015 EPAS after July 1, 2024, will have 1 year from their initial accreditation date to transition to the 2022 EPAS.
Substantive Change Proposals:
- Programs submitting substantive change reports on August 1, 2024, or later will use the 2022 EPAS.
- Programs submitting substantive changes prior August 1, 2024 will have an option to use the 2015 or the 2022 EPAS
2022 EPAS Training and Resources
Additional information, resources, training opportunities, and the 2022 EPAS will be made available and shared directly with programs once the 2022 EPAS is approved.