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Interested in a master’s program?

Once you decided to pursue a master’s in social work degree, give yourself ample time to choose the school that's right for you. First, browse the Council on Social Work Education’s Directory of Accredited Programs. By starting here, you’ll avoid nonaccredited programs, which introduce a range of potential concerns. If you already have a BSW from an accredited program, most schools offer an advanced standing option, which will save you time. To help you narrow down your choices, answer these questions:
  • Is there a specific geographic location where you’d like to study?
  • What would you like your primary concentration (e.g., community or direct practice) or practice area/specialization (e.g., aging, children and families, mental health, health) to be? Thinking about these options can help you make your résumé more competitive when you apply for your dream job.
  • Do you want to study part-time or full-time? If you’re working while you study, a part-time program may be the best choice for you.
  • Would you like an online program or a traditional, campus-based program? Your best choice here depends on your learning style and the responsibilities that compete with your schoolwork.