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Opportunities for Members

National Women’s Leadership Convention Offers CSWE Member Discount

In response to CSWE's role as a supporting organization, the National Women's Leadership Convention is offering CSWE members a 50% discount for their Saturday, June 21 event. Members must register and use the code “CSWE”; offer valid until Saturday, May 17, 2014.

National Council Receives Hilton Funding for SBIRT

After receiving a $1.3 million grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to implement screening for substance use in community behavioral health centers, The National Council for Behavior Health is selecting participating mental health and substance use treatment organizations that serve youth to implement this initiative. More information about the National Council and the application process can be found here.

Grand Challenges Initiative Call for Concept Papers

The Grand Challenges for Social Work, an initiative spearheaded by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, is now accepting Grand Challenges Concept Papers; the deadline is June 30, 2014. The Grand Challenges president and co-chairs met in March 2014 with key social work leaders, including CSWE President and CEO Darla Spence Coffey, who was recently named to the initiative’s multidisciplinary National Advisory Board.

Lizette Peterson-Homer Grant Call for Proposals

The American Psychological Foundation has announced a call for proposals for the 2014 Lizette Peterson-Homer Memorial Injury Research Grant, which supports research on the prevention of injuries in children and adolescents through accidents, violence, abuse, or suicide. The deadline for proposals is October 1, 2014; more information is available here.