CSWE Gero-Ed Center
Call for Nominations: Student Travel Scholarships
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center is accepting nominations for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships. BSW and MSW students interested in aging can apply to receive complimentary registration and $500 for travel expenses to attend the 2014 APM in Tampa, FL; nominations must be submitted by July 1, 2014.
New Webinar Recording
A recording of the webinar The Affordable Care Act: Opportunities for Social Work Practice in Integrated Care Settings is now available on the Gero-Ed Center website! Suzanne Daub, senior integrated health consultant with the National Council on Behavioral Health, discussed how the ACA is shifting the delivery of behavioral health services toward integrated care and what that means for social work practice and education; access the recording and others from this series here.