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Resources for Members

CSWE Observes Social Work Month 2015

CSWE celebrates Social Work Month 2015, along with other schools and organizations in the support of the "Social Work Paves the Way for Change" theme. Check the Social Work Month page on the CSWE website throughout the month for celebration updates!

SAMHSA Unveils New Suicide Prevention App

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has unveiled a new suicide prevention mobile application, Suicide Safe, for primary care and behavioral health providers. The app is available for mobile devices and tablets and helps providers integrate suicide prevention strategies into their practice and address suicide risk among their patients.

National Academies Press Releases New Research & Practice Summary

In April and June 2014 the Institute of Medicine's Roundtable on Value and Science-Driven Health Care convened two workshops aimed at accelerating progress toward real-time knowledge generation through the seamless integration of clinical practice and research, one of the fundamental concepts of a continuously learning health system, centered on the development of the PCORnet. These workshops will inform the decisions of field leaders moving forward, including PCORI, the PCORnet steering committee, and PCORnet grantees; Integrating Research and Practice is the summary of the presentations and discussions of the workshops.