CSWE Gero-Ed Center
Call for Nominations: Student Travel Scholarships
There is less than 1 month left to nominate students for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships! BSW and MSW students interested in aging can apply to receive complimentary registration and $500 for travel expenses to attend the 2014 CSWE Annual Program Meeting in Tampa, FL; nominations must be submitted by faculty nominators by July 1, 2014.
2014 Annual Program Meeting Kick-Off Panel
The Gero-Ed Center is hosting an informative Kick-Off Panel, Aging Your Way: Advancing Social Work Education and Practice, at the CSWE 2014 Annual Program Meeting on Friday, October 24, 2014, from 11:00 am–12:30 pm EDT. A growing desire to age in place has given rise to community-based initiatives which are reshaping local communities, redefining how we age, and changing our care-delivery system; an expert panel will explore this change and place it within the broader context of social work education on aging services.
Upcoming Webinar—The ACA and Care Transitions: Implications for Social Work
The CSWE Gero-Ed Center and the National Association of Social Workers are excited to announce the third webinar in a series exploring how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is impacting social work practice and education! On July 16, 2014 from 1:00–2:00 pm EDT, Paul Gould of Binghamton University and Water Rosenberg of Rush University Medical Center will present The ACA and Care Transitions: Implications for Social Work; registration for this webinar will open late June, so please stay tuned for updates.