Resources for Members
Ambulatory Integration of the Medical and Social Program
Rush University Medical Center’s Ambulatory Integration of the Medical and Social (AIMS) program has been highlighted as “innovative” by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The Center’s AIMS model wraps around outpatient care with the goal of minimizing the preventable impact of psychosocial factors on patient outcomes, population health, and health care expenditures; patient, provider, and caregiver feedback gathered through formal evaluation indicates high satisfaction with the program, resulting in better supported, less stressed, and better informed patients and caregivers.
Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military and Veteran Populations: Final Assessment
The National Academies Press has published a report that focuses on the opportunities and challenges that the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs face in developing, implementing, and evaluating services and programs in the context of achieving a high-performing system to care for service members and veterans who have PTSD. The report also identifies where gaps or new emphases might be addressed to improve prevention of, screening for, diagnosis of, and treatment and rehabilitation for the disorder.
Supporting a Movement for Health and Health Equity: Lessons from Social Movements: Workshop Summary
Supporting a Movement for Health and Health Equity is the summary of a workshop convened in December 2013 by the Institute of Medicine Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health Disparities and the Roundtable on Population Health Improvement to explore the lessons that may be gleaned from social movements. Participants and presenters focused on elements identified from the history and sociology of social change movements and how such elements can be applied to present-day efforts nationally and across communities to improve the chances for long, healthy lives for all.
The National Children's Study 2014: An Assessment
The National Children's Study 2014 assesses the main study's plan to determine whether it is likely to produce scientifically sound results that are generalizable to the United States population and appropriate subpopulations. The report would be the first study to collect a broad range of environmental exposure measures for a national probability sample of about 100,000 children, followed from birth or before birth to age 21, and makes recommendations about the overall study framework, sample design, timing, content and need for scientific expertise and oversight.