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Gero-Ed Center

Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panelists Announced

The 2013 Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panel, Trauma Across Generations: From Research to Practice (1.5 CEUs), will be held on Friday, November 1 from 10:45am–12:15pm. The panel will highlight forensic social work with older adults, homelessness, older veterans, incarceration, and historical trauma; learn how research informs practice from experts Lori Daniels (Portland Vet Center); Susan Green (University at Buffalo), Tina Maschi (Fordham University); Sara Sanders (University of Iowa), Lori Thomas (University of North Carolina at Charlotte); and Karina Walters (University of Washington).

Thank You for Student Travel Scholarship Applications

Thank you to those of you who submitted applications for the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarship. One student will win $500 for travel expenses to the 2013 CSWE APM and a complimentary registration; the awardee will be notified in August.