Opportunities for Members
CSWE to Participate in Panel
On February 23 CSWE will participate in a special show, "CSWE Listens and Speaks," for undergraduates interested in going to graduate school and earning an MSW degree. Panelists include Darla Spence Coffey; Linda Grobman of The New Social Worker; Bruce Friedman, California State University, Bakersfield; Terry Keller, Lourdes University, co-host of Raportee; Duane Breijak, host of "Thirty Below"; and Dennis Cogswell, co-host of Raportee.
Webinar: Innovations in Substance Use Education
Join NORC at the University of Chicago on Wednesday, February 25 from 3:00-4:00 pm (EST) to learn about challenges and best practices in conducting Screening Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment, and the integration of interactive simulations with virtual patients. For more information follow this link (PDF).
Addictions Interdisciplinary Treatment Fellowship
The Addictions Treatment Center of the VA Puget Sound Health Care System announces openings for the Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Substance Abuse Treatment 1-year, full-time advanced training in substance abuse treatment. The goal of the Interdisciplinary Fellowship is to provide clinical and didactic experiences through which recent professional graduates from several clinical disciplines become more skilled in working therapeutically with substance abusers and become more familiar with the unique contributions that their professional disciplines provide; click here for more information.
Webinar: Empowering Students. Empowering Communities
This webinar, scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 1:00 pm (CST), describes two multifaceted interprofessional campus-to-community projects developed and executed in collaboration with community stakeholders and clinical partners: the CHANNELS Project introduces students to competencies and skills for working with immigrant and refugee populations and the Cumberland County Jail Project brings students from multiple health professions together to learn with and from inmates about their health needs and perspectives. Innovative evaluation of these community-based learning models will be presented.