Katherine A. Kendall Institute
CSWE Presence at 2014 Joint World Conference
2014 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development was held in Melbourne, Australia July 9–12, 2014; the theme of the conference was Promoting Social and Economic Equality, which is the first commitment of the Global Agenda. Among the 61 CSWE members and staff who presented at the conference was Kendall Institute Advisory board member Lynne Healy who was awarded the IASSW Katherine A. Kendall Institute Memorial Award.
2014 PIE Award Winners
The CSWE Partners in Advancing International Education (PIE) Awards Committee has selected a social work program, a nonprofit organization, and an individual to receive its 2014 awards: the University of Connecticut Center for International Social Work Studies (program), the Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services, Refugee Services (organization), and Susan Mapp of Elizabethtown College (individual).