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CSWE Participation at the 2014 Joint World Conference Melbourne, Australia


The 2014 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development was held in Melbourne, Australia July 9–12, 2014. The theme of the conference was Promoting Social and Economic Equality, which is the first commitment of the Global Agenda, developed by the International Association of Schools of Social Work, the International Council on Social Welfare, and the International Federation of Social Workers. Presentations were given by participants addressing the following themes:  sustainable and ethical use of technology, addressing health inequalities and disadvantages, creating sustainable and safe physical environments, educating for change, human rights and equality, fostering social and economic initiatives, and strengthening social and cultural well-being.  Also during the conference, Kendall Institute Advisory Board Member Lynne Healy was given the IASSW Katherine A. Kendall Institute Memorial Award.  After receiving the award, Healy gave a speech titled Ensuring Rights, Inclusion, and Equality: A Holistic Post-2015 Agenda for Social Work.

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The next Joint World Conference will be held in 2016 in Seoul, South Korea and will focus on the Global Agenda’s second theme, Promoting the Dignity and Worth of Peoples.

Current CSWE Members* and Staff Who Gave Presentations During the Conference

David Androff Jennifer Martin
Gary Bailey Dawn Matera
Randall Basham Goutham Menon 
Andrea Bediako Joseph Merighi 
Mary Jo Garcia Biggs  Mary Jo Monahan 
Beverly Black  David Moxley
Monit Cheung  Gisela Negron 
Darla Spence Coffey  Dorinda Noble 
Carol Cohen Erlene Grise Owens 
Mary Colllins Larry Owens
Shelley Craig Andrew Quinn
Douglass Crews Letnie Rock
Cindy Davis Soonhee Roh
Maria Elena Delavega Jessica Ritter
Michael Dentato David Rothwell
Amelia Seraphia Derr Maureen Rubin
Colleen Fisher Melanie Sage
Bruce Friedman Cathryne Schmitz
Dorothy Gamble Erik Schott
Lynne Healy Katie Richards-Schuster
Jocelyn Hermoso Barbara Shank
Mary Hylton Latoya Small
Shelly Johnson Cudore Snell
Tina Jordan Rebecca Thomas
Elaine Jurkowski Barbara Turnage
Hanae Kanno Julia Watkins
Hae-Jung Kim Larry Watson
Sr. Angela Kim Hilary Weaver
Barbara Klimek Qingwen Xu
Wynne Korr Jimmy Young
Susan Mapp  

*If your name was unintentionally omitted, please accept our sincere apologies.