The call for proposals is now closed. Decisions are scheduled to be announced in late April/early May.
Peer-Reviewed Proposals (Four Presentation Formats)
- Electronic Poster (E-Poster; 60 minutes, up to four presenters)
- Interactive Workshop (60 minutes, up to four presenters)
- Oral Presentation (60-minute time block consisting of two 30-minute oral presentations, each to include a 10-minute Q&A; each may have up to three presenters)
- Panel (60 minutes, two-to-four presenters)
Those submitting proposals must select only one presentation format per proposal.
Invited Proposals (Four Types)
Preconference Workshops to be presented Thursday, November 8, 2018
- Field Education Institute (1 hour, up to five presenters)
The 2018 APM will offer an all-day Field Education Institute. As part of the institute, the Field Director Education Institute will focus, through 1-hour sessions, on how interprofessional education can be infused into field education settings. Specific areas of interest include the following:
- Exemplar models of field education in new and innovative interprofessional settings
- Exemplar models of field education that involve other professions
- Innovative collaborations and communication with other programs and agencies that facilitate interprofessional work
- Challenges and lessons learned from developing field placements focused on interprofessional education
Three additional options to be presented Friday–Sunday, November 9–11, 2018
CSWE Connect (60 minutes, up to seven presenters)
Sessions focus on the work of each of CSWE’s 17 commissions and councils, which present issues of interest and showcase their projects.
- Hot Topic (60 minutes, up to seven presenters)
Presentations are on emerging and important topics for social work educators or on topics not covered by other APM presentations.
- Partnership Presentations (60 minutes, up to 10 presenters)
Sessions provide opportunities for social work education-related groups to make special presentations at the APM. Due to meeting space availability, each group will be limited to one accepted presentation.
Note Regarding Invited Proposals
Although invited proposals are not peer reviewed, they must follow the same procedures as defined for peer-reviewed proposals.
Invited session proposals are reviewed by members of the Council on Conferences and Faculty Development (CCFD) based on the following criteria:
- Relevance of topic, study, or inquiry to CSWE members and the conference theme
- Clarity of the written proposal
- Significance for social work education, practice, research, policy, or theory
CSWE makes the final decision on all invited sessions based on the CCFD review and recommendations.
Invited session presenters are subject to the 2018 APM Accepted Presenter Compliance Policy.