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Preconference Workshops

All workshops are held Thursday, October 19, 2017. Preconference Workshops are $125 for members and $190 for nonmembers. APM registration is required to register for and attend Preconference Workshops.

To register for Preconference Workshops, register here for the 2017 APM and select the desired Preconference Workshops during registration. 



Grand Challenges Teaching Institutes
Morning Sessions From 9:00 am–12:00 pm
  A. Equipping Social Workers to Promote a Social Development Response to Population Aging
(Grand Challenge 4 - Advance long and productive lives)

All social workers need to be equipped to mediate the great social transformation signaled by the growing proportion of older adults in society. Attendees will learn strategies for teaching social workers working with any population, in any setting to promote a social development and intergenerational equity response to population aging.
Christina Matz-Costa, Boston College
Nancy Morrow-Howell, Washington University in St. Louis
Marcie Pitt-Castouphes, Boston College
Guillermo Ernest Gonzales, Boston University

B. Eradicate Social Isolation: Teaching and Learning Strategies for Generalist and Advanced Curriculum  
(Grand Challenge 5 - Eradicate social isolation)

Teaching about social isolation brings back the social in social work education. This workshop demonstrates ways to incorporate curriculum content related to the Grand Challenge - Eradicate Social Isolation. Examples for inclusion of content in theory, policy, and practice courses across the lifespan are demonstrated in relation to EPAS competencies.
Elizabeth M Tracy, Case Western Reserve University
Sue Brown, Wayne State University
Michelle R. Munson, New York University
James Lubben, Boston College
Sandra Edmonds Crewe, Howard University
C. Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless Families and Young Adults
(Grand Challenge 6 - End homelessness)

This paper shares the findings of a pilot permanent supportive housing program evaluation for families and young adults based on the best practice Housing First model for single adults. The program provided housing and supportive services to homeless young adults and families with substance abuse and/or mental conditions.
Cyleste C Collins, Cleveland State University
Rong Bai, Case Western Reserve University
David Crampton, Case Western Reserve University
D. Teaching Environmental Justice Across the Curriculum: 2015 EPAS and Beyond
(Grand Challenge 7 - Create social responses to a changing environment)

Participants will examine environmental justice and climate change issues, learning ways to integrate education about the complexity of the issues across the classroom and field curriculum. Multiple channels for integrating this material will be explored in the context of the new EPAS. Training will be interactional with resources provided.
Cathryne Schmitz, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Rachel Forbes, University of Denver
Ande Nesmith, St. Catherine University and University of Saint Thomas Collaborative
Meredith C. F. Powers, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Jessie Kadolph, Virginia Commonwealth University
E. Meeting the Grand Challenge: Implementation of Financial Capability Within Social Work Education
(Grand Challenge 11 - Build financial capability for all)

Presentations that explain the experiences of three separate programs in creating financial capability curricula are offered. Presenters from each program outline their successes and failures in implementing these curricula in BSW and MSW coursework. Their disparate approaches show how financial education, knowledge, and skills were addressed in their course offerings.
Thomas E. Smith, Florida State University
Kristin V. Richards, Walden University
Christine Callahan, University of Maryland
Joanna K. Doran, California State University
Sally A. Hageman, University of Maryland

To register for Preconference Workshops, register here for the 2017 APM and select the desired Preconference Workshops during registration.   



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Afternoon Sessions From 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
F. How to Prepare Social Workers to Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth
(Grand Challenge 1 - Ensure healthy development for all youth)

With many systems aiming to be preventative in their services, training the next generation of social workers to be effective prevention practitioners is essential. This workshop enables educators to explore and apply methods for training micro- and macro-level prevention social workers passionate about ensuring healthy development for all youth.
Kimberly Bender, University of Denver
Nicole Nicotera, University of Denver
Anne Williford, University of Kansas
Elizabeth Anthony, Arizona State University
Patricia Kohl, Washington University in St. Louis
G. Addressing Grand Challenges Through Innovative Simulation
(Grand Challenge 3 - Stop family violence; and Grand Challenge 2 - Close the health gap)

This workshop will provide an overview of an innovative social simulation program for education of social work students and training of community partners. Simulation programs to address three grand challenges—stop family violence, close the health gap, and achieve equal opportunity and justice—will be discussed in detail.
Julie Miller-Cribbs, University of Oklahoma
Steven Wells, University of Oklahoma
Jedediah Bragg, University of Oklahoma
Gloria Miller, University of Oklahoma
H. Teaching Transdisciplinary and Translational Science Skills for Addressing the Grand Challenges
(Grand Challenge 7 - Create social responses to a changing environment)

To address the Grand Challenges, social work professionals must be fully prepared for transdisciplinary and translational science and practice. Through this interactive institute, faculty members will increase their ability to equip students with these critical skills. Pedagogic examples from environmental change and Indigenous groups are used, with concepts applicable across challenges.
Larry Palinkas, University of Southern California
Lisa Reyes Mason, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Shanondora Billiot, Washington University in St. Louis
Felicia M. Mitchell, Arizona State University
I. Teaching and Doing Social Work in the Context of Extreme Economic Inequality
(Grand Challenge 10 - Reduce extreme economic inequality)

This session presents approaches to teaching social work students, teachers, practitioners and researchers about the centrality and ramifications of extreme economic inequality for practice at all levels—individual, community, policy, management, and evaluation and assessment. We explore multiple approaches, providing materials and opportunities to engage with them.
Laura Lein, University of Michigan
Trina Shanks, University of Michigan
Julia Henly, University of Chicago
Amanda Tillotson, University of Michigan
J. CBPR—Teaching Research for Engaging Students to Address the Grand Challenges
(Grand Challenge 11 - Build financial capability for all)

Community-based participatory research is an interdisciplinary teaching method engaging students in meaningful research experiences. Data engages students and community partners to address social justice initiatives addressing Grand Challenge themes that close the health gap, create social responses to a changing environment, reduce economic equality, and achieve equal opportunity and justice.
Bruce D. Friedman, California State University, Bakersfield
Mark A. Martinez, California State University, Bakersfield
K. Facilitating Minority Scholar Career Development: How to Build an Infrastructure for Success
(Grand Challenge 12 - Achieve equal opportunity and justice)

Presented by the CSWE Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice, this workshop is designed for deans and directors, faculty mentors, junior faculty members, and doctoral students interested in learning evidence-based strategies to facilitate the early career development of minority scholars, including assessing and strengthening a school’s existing infrastructure.
Yolanda C. Padilla, University of Texas at Austin
Ruth McRoy, Boston College
Carol Lewis, University of Texas at Austin
Renee Cunningham-Williams, Washington University in St. Louis

To register for Preconference Workshops, register here for the 2017 APM and select the desired Preconference Workshops during registration.   



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Leadership Development Institute
Afternoon Session From 2:00 pm–5:00 pm

L. Social Work Leadership in Civic Engagement and the Political Process

To advance the Grand Challenges and achieve the profession’s commitments to social justice and equality, it is critical that the profession, schools of social work, and individual social workers understand the political process and be prepared to be at the table when important decisions are made. Panelists with extensive practice experience in the political sector and curriculum experience in schools of social work will discuss methods used by schools of social work across the country to build civic and political leadership in their programs and communities. Programs that build students', faculty members', and community members’ abilities to engage with the legislative process, provide political empowerment to students and voters, and prepare to run for office will be described.
Shannon R. Lane, Adelphi University
Mary Hylton, University of Nevada, Reno
Charles E. Lewis, Jr., Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy
Suzanne Pritzker, University of Houston
Tanya Rhodes Smith, Nancy A. Humphreys Institute for Political Social Work, and University of Connecticut

To register for Preconference Workshops, register here for the 2017 APM and select the desired Preconference Workshops during registration.   



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M. Field Education Institute
All Day Session From 9:00 am–5:00 pm

As a follow-up to the CSWE Summit on Field Education in 2014, and recognizing that progess on the Social Work Grand Challenges will require integration with our profession's signature pedgogy, the 2017 APM will offer a Field Education Institute as part of the preconference programming. A total of 3 CEs may be earned.

All deans, program directors, field directors, field personnel, and interested faculty members are invited to participate in this preconference field institute that will feature a keynote and panel presentation and the opportunity to choose from three field director development institutes (FDDIs) focused on themes identified from the Summit in 2014.


To register for Preconference Workshops, register here for the 2017 APM and select the desired Preconference Workshops during registration.   



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