In accordance with ASWB ACE requirements, attendees must comply with the following procedures to receive CE certificates for APM sessions. These include:
- Registration and Processing Fee
If you would like to receive CEs for the 2017 APM, you must select this option in the registration form and pay the $65 processing fee. This fee covers collecting and organization session data, attendance monitoring, and administration of certificates.
- Attendance Monitoring
In order to receive CE credit, CSWE must verify your attendance at CE sessions. A volunteer will scan your conference badge when you enter and exit the session. Credit is awarded at 1 CE per 60-minute session, and you must attend the full session to receive credit. If, for any reason, your badge is not scanned as you enter or exit the session, please notify the registration desk immediately. CSWE cannot provide verification of attendance after the conference is over.
- Written Evaluation Submission
Participants are required to submit written evaluations of CE sessions before receiving a certificate. See full instructions for completing and submitting written evaluations here.
After complying with each of these procedures, CSWE will issue a CE certificate via e-mail within one month of receiving the written evaluations.