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Faculty Development Institutes

A Faculty Development Institute (FDI) is 3 hours in length. Those selected for the 2015 APM will be held on Thursday, October 15.

  • An FDI is a preconference workshop in which a senior faculty/administrator with special expertise shares information for the purpose of enhancing the knowledge and skills of social work educators.
  • It focuses on topics in social work education with a broad appeal and merits a 3-hour allotment of time for the development of knowledge and skills.

2015 APM Offerings

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Morning Sessions From 9:00 am–12:00 pm

A. Making the Transition From Classroom to Online Education and...Back Again

Participants will learn how to convert a practice skills class from a traditional classroom format to an online environment and how to infuse the learning strategies for virtual learning into the traditional classroom. Strategies for developing embedded assignments for outcome assessment across learning platforms will also be discussed.

FDI Teachers:
Elizabeth M. Tracy, Case Western Reserve University
Zoe Wood, Case Western Reserve University
Kathleen Farkas, Case Western Reserve University

B. Social Work as a Human Rights Profession: Addressing Competency 3

Human rights are central to social work and part of EPAS but are relatively new to many U.S. social workers. This FDI will provide an in-depth opportunity for attendees to learn about social work as a human rights profession, understand core human rights documents, develop rights-based skills, and review pedagogical materials.

FDI Teachers:
Shirley Gatenio-Gabel, Fordham University
Jane McPherson, University of Georgia
Kathryn Libal, University of Connecticut

C. Teaching Macro Social Work: Models, Pedagogy, and Practical Applications

This practical and experiential session will demonstrate proven pedagogy from seasoned faculty members on teaching macro social work, including policy practice, community organizing, organizational management and leadership, and human rights. Tools will be provided for enhancing existing macro courses and integrating macro content into direct practice classrooms.

FDI Teachers:
Susan Roll, California State University, Chico
Rukshan Fernando, Azusa Pacific University
Margaret Sherraden, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Terry Mizrahi, Hunter College, City University of New York
David K. Androff, Arizona State University

D. Training Social Workers With Person-Centered and Participant-Directed Competencies: Instructional Techniques

Overview: Social work graduates need to exhibit person-centered and participant-directed (PC/PD) competencies to work in community-based services for older adults and persons with disabilities. This FDI will describe the PC/PD philosophy and demonstrate strategies to infuse PC/PD competencies into curriculum. Attendees will receive a toolkit with infusion strategies and teaching resources.

FDI Teachers:
Mark Sciegaj, Pennsylvania State University
Nancy Hooyman, University of Washington
Kelly Melekis, University of Vermont
Cynthia Moniz, Plymouth State University
Carmen Morano, Hunter College of the City University of New York

E. This Video Award Goes to...: Assigning Student-Produced Videos in the Classroom

This FDI will show attendees how to design student-produced video (SPV) assignments. SPVs offer students the potential for deeper understanding of course content through authentic problem solving and group-work experiences. Attendees will design their own video following procedural steps as taught in the classroom.

FDI Teachers:
Andrew Quinn, University of North Dakota,
Yee Han Chu, University of North Dakota

Afternoon Sessions From 1:30 pm–4:30 pm

F. A Financial Social Work Curriculum: Tools for Social Work Educators

This FDI will familiarize educators with financial social work and will introduce a financial capability and asset-building (FCAB) curriculum. The session will also include rationale and history, evaluation results, a teaching demonstration, and dialogue about the future of financial social work.

FDI Teachers:
Margaret Sherraden, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Julie Birkenmaier, Saint Louis University
Melody Brackett, Elizabeth City State University
Gena G. McClendon, Washington University in St. Louis,
Michael Rochelle, Washington University in St. Louis

G. Bridging the Macro-Micro Divide: Steps Toward Inclusion in Direct Social Work Practice

The Special Commission on Macro Practice highlighted the national support for greater inclusion of macro content in curricula and the need to identify such content. This FDI will introduce an inclusive framework and suggest steps toward a dynamic pairing of macro and micro content in the classroom and field.

FDI Teachers:
Mark Homan, Pima Community College
Michael Austin, University of California at Berkeley
Samuel Aymer, Hunter College, City University of New York
Steve Burghardt, Hunter College, City University of New York
Valerie Shapiro, University of California at Berkeley

H. Preparing MSW Students for Practice in Integrated Behavioral Health Care

This FDI will focus on preparing students for integrated behavioral health (IBH) practice. Attendees will learn about preparing students through interprofessional education, evidence-based screening and brief interventions that include standardized patient training and a modified objective structured clinical examination, and field placement selection and follow-up.

FDI Teachers:
Diana DiNitto, University of Texas at Austin
Barbara Jones, University of Texas at Austin
Mary Velasquez, University of Texas at Austin
Robin M. Smith, University of Texas at Austin
Tanya Voss, University of Texas at Austin

I. Teaching DSM-5: Part Deux

This presentation will build on last year’s FDI. Although October 2015 is the implementation date for DSM–5, many programs are not yet teaching its content. The presenters, with 30 years of experience teaching DSM and 5 years teaching DSM–5, offer their scholarship, course assignments, and approaches to teaching psychopathology using DSM.

FDI Teachers:
Lloyd L. Lyter, Marywood University
Sharon C. Lyter, Kutztown University

J. Teaching Science to Social Workers

Most social workers come to the profession with little background in and much anxiety about science, although recent research in neurophysiology and epigenetics demonstrate the applicability and critical importance of this knowledge to social workers. This FDI will demonstrate pedagogical techniques and provide resources for incorporating this important information into HBSE.

 FDI Teachers:
Terri Combs-Orme, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Tess Lefmann, University of Mississippi
Joseph Strong, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Phyllis Thompson, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Tara J. Veerman, University of Tennessee at Knoxville