Registration Rates and Policies
- For the third consecutive year APM registration rates remain at the 2012 APM fee level.
- Online registration opened on Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
- General questions can be sent to the APM mailbox.
A. Payment Date Rates
Save money by taking advantage of early bird registration available only through Friday, August 1, 2014. Payment must accompany the registration form for a person to be considered as a registrant. Effective August 2, 2014, persons registering will be charged the on-site rates.
B. Registration Fee Options
CSWE Member Fee Levels
Tier 1: APM meeting registration only
Tier 2: APM meeting registration plus inclusive 1-year CSWE membership (new or renewal)
- CSWE Members: You must be Full or Associate member of CSWE with active status through October 31, 2014, to qualify for a member registration rate. If you are a member but your membership will expire before October 31, 2014, please either renew your membership prior to attending the meeting or select a Tier 2 meeting registration level that includes your renewal payment. Doing so will expedite the on-site receipt of your APM registration materials.
- Nonmembers: If you are not a current member and would like to be, please join by visiting CSWE Membership. You may also select a Tier 2 meeting registration level that includes a 12-month membership.
Option 1 of 3: FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (4 Days: October 23–26, 2014)
CSWE Individual Member Registration Categories
(For New and Current Members)
Early Bird Through 08/01
08/02 On-site
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
1. Full Member: Faculty and Administrators; and Full Member: Individual
425 |
620 |
475 |
670 |
2. Associate Member: Emeritus
290 |
365 |
340 |
415 |
3. Associate Member: Undergraduate/Graduate Student
65 |
120 |
115 |
170 |
4. Associate Member: Doctoral Student
65 |
160 |
115 |
210 |
CSWE Program Member Group Option Categories
5. First CSWE Full Member
425 |
620 |
475 |
670 |
6. Additional CSWE Full Member
375 |
570 |
425 |
620 |
Nonmember Registration Categories
Early Bird
Through 08/01
7. Exhibit Hall Only (Available only on-site)
N/A |
50 |
8. Higher Education Librarian
315 |
365 |
9. Individual From Economically Lesser-Developed Country*
70 |
120 |
10. Nonmember
660 |
710 |
11. Practitioner or Academician in Non-social Work Field
315 |
365 |
12. Social Work Practitioner
315 |
365 |
13. Student Nonmember: Undergraduate/Graduate
125 |
175 |
14. Student Nonmember: Doctoral
165 |
215 |
15. Accompanying Person
35 |
50 |
Option 2 of 3: STUDENT VOLUNTEER (4 Days: October 24–25, 2014)
Option 3 of 3: 1-DAY REGISTRATION (October 23, 24, 25, or 26)
CSWE Member Registration Categories
(For New and Current Members)
Early Bird Through 08/01
08/02 On-site
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
17. Full Member: Faculty and Administrators; and Full Member: Individual
330 |
525 |
380 |
575 |
18. Associate Member: Emeritus
270 |
345 |
320 |
395 |
19. Associate Member: Undergraduate/Graduate Student
65 |
120 |
115 |
170 |
20. Associate Member: Doctoral Student
65 |
160 |
115 |
210 |
CSWE Program Member Group Option Categories
21. First CSWE Full Member
330 |
525 |
380 |
575 |
22. Additional CSWE Full Member
280 |
475 |
330 |
525 |
Nonmember Registration Categories
Early Bird
Through 08/01
23. Exhibit Hall Only (available on-site Only
N/A |
50 |
24. Higher Education Librarian
210 |
260 |
25. Individual From Economically Lesser-Developed Country
70 |
120 |
26. Nonmember
555 |
605 |
27. Practitioner or Academician in Non-Social Work Field
210 |
260 |
28. Social Work Practitioner
210 |
260 |
29. Student Nonmember: Undergraduate/Graduate
125 |
175 |
30. Student Nonmember: Doctoral
165 |
215 |
31. Accompanying Person
35 |
50 |
C. Additional Registration Fees
D. On-Site Registration
Onsite registration will be available to those who do not preregister. Please note that no mail registrations will be accepted if postmarked after Friday, October 10, 2014. Those who wish to register and cannot send in their fees by the preregistration date should register onsite. Cash, checks, money orders, or credit cards MasterCard, VISA, or American Express will be accepted for conference and membership fees. Cash, checks, and money orders are payable in U.S. currency only. Those registering onsite will be required to pay the regular registration fee and will be eligible for enrollment in the preconference Development Institutes only if space remains. Students registering on-site must show documentation of their student status.
E. Method of Payment
APM attendees may use credit cards (MasterCard, VISA, or American Express) to pay registration fees or they may pay by cash, check, or money order. Please make all checks or money orders payable to the Council on Social Work Education. Checks and money orders are payable in U.S. currency only and must be drawn on a U.S. bank. A $30 processing fee will be charged on all returned checks. This additional charge applies to checks written at any time for the APM, CSWE membership, or publications.
F. Refund Policy
All preconference Development Institute fees are nonrefundable. Refunds of all other fees will be available on written request and must be postmarked by Friday, September 19. The refund is subject to a $75 per registration administrative process charge. Request for refunds should specify the payee. No refund requests will be honored if they are postmarked after this date.
G. Substitution Policy
Substitution of registrations is permitted prior to the APM and on-site. Only one substitution is permitted per original registrant. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution as well as updating any contact information.